Liminality and the Modern + Critique of Everyday Life

From the intro of Liminality and the Modern: Living Through the In-Between by Bjørn Thomassen:

concepts are good to think with, but they do not bear their meaning within themselves

As Thomassen argues, modernity is an everchanging, infinite horizon of indeterminate endings. Infinity appears when structure is absent. The present is the vantage point, but it is not the future.

From Critique of Everyday Life by Henri Lefebvre:

Will there ever be anything great which is not dehumanized — or a form of happiness which is not tinged with mediocrity?

(foreword, section 5)

I lack the awe of a child nowadays, but find solace and humor in the bizarre of the everyday, seeing things as they are, not glazing over them as untextured public occurrences. Not talking about intentional spectacles (e.g. tiktok dumbassery), but bizarre realities so common and embedded they go unacknowledged — novel vs. authentic — only observable, not preemptively thought. Spontaneous. Emergent rather than produced. Non-performative. This is why I love my cat and John Wilson. And to a degree, formerly working at a grocery store and witnessing everyday passersby.

It is humiliating to be alive :,) I want to lean into that.